Kali Linux Unlocking Mobile Networks 15
In some scenarios, performing wireless network hacking on a laptop would be conspicuous, while a mobile device would be essentially invisible. A few different platforms exist for performing penetration testing against wireless networks from a mobile device.
Kali Linux Unlocking Mobile Networks 15
Download Zip: https://www.google.com/url?q=https%3A%2F%2Furlcod.com%2F2u4rA0&sa=D&sntz=1&usg=AOvVaw0uBhJNQOaAiK3x0qeGhG9d
pfsense works too, though i only use that as a fallback when they do deep packet inspection, and i need to mess with the headers, T-Mobile use to mark all desktop UA strings as hotspot (even data coming from the phone directly) back then i had to mangle parts of the user agent to bypass that tracking while still not making sites unhappy, was a pain in the ass honestly, glad tmobile went to a simple filter(wel for the most part, they still can somehow tell linux machines apart from the rest, but its not a big deal to me)